ONE Staff / April 8th, 2014 / Spotlight
Shop Task in a FedEx commercial?

Did you see the video above when it first went online a couple weeks ago? It’s pretty awesome! Shop Task Toronto featured in what looks like a pretty-damn legit FedEx informercial. Well as it turns out we met the video’s ‘star’ Erik Burrow the week before while at Pow-Wow XIII, so we asked him to give us the scoop. Here’s what he had to say…

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“The commercial came about thanks to AJ Delong and his relationship with friend Mark Campbell. The two of them went to high school together, as well as Mark’s brother Reid. After high school AJ and Mark ended up working together at a store called Henry’s that sells photo and video equipment in Toronto.

“AJ’s and Mark have remained in touch and the opportunity to be apart of the FedEx commercial came about when the agency Mark works for, called VMG Cinematic, needed a small business setting for the commercial. Originally the agency was considering filming the piece at their own office. Mark made the suggestion that they film it at our store which was close to them and made sense for the setting of this commercial. Mark, being the nice guy that he is, asked AJ if we would want to be involved. Obviously we jumped at the opportunity and are really lucky to have been given the opportunity.

“Filming the commercial was really fun. Tons of time and effort went to lighting the shop up to look absolutely amazing. We got fed a delicious lunch and still were even able to make a few sales in between shots.” — Erik Burrow

Do you have a story of blade-related productions and bladers working together to make great stuff? Let us know!

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