ONE Staff / March 3rd, 2021 / Spotlight
Sven Bursic: Longest Line of 2020

What’s the longest line you’ve seen anyone do? How about most consecutive kink rails? Chris Haffey may have grinded a longer rail, and Chris Farmer has done a single rail with more kinks, but Croatian blader Sven Buršić teamed up with videographer Leo Gamboc to get this epic clip! And as you’ll read below, it was far from easy! Big props to these two for making it happen — we dig the persistence! Read on to find out more about how this all came together.

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Tell us who you are and where you live.
I’m Sven Buršić, I am 34 years old, I live in Croatia, in Umag, a small coastal town close to Italy.

When did you first find this spot?
I have known about this spot for about 10 years now, since they build the Sports Hall.

Had you skated it before? 
Yes, I skated it before, but never the whole line, only individual rails — at the time that was enough for me.

Ever all in one line like this?
No, never before because it seemed too long to me. Jump, hold the balance, land perfectly, again have the strength to jump, balance again, landing… It’s very very tiring, believe me.

When did the idea to make this clip come about?
Two years ago I got the idea to try it, but there was always the question of who will record it and how.

How many tries or how long did it take to make this happen?
I’ve been trying to film it for two years, I’ve been there 5 times a year, basically every time the drone and Leo Gamboc (the filmer) were free. The spot is in Poreč, which is 30 min by car from where I live.

Do you think anyone will find a longer line or a line with this many kink rails?
I don’t know. Everything is possible, but difficult! This is a really long and big line. If anyone finds one as big or bigger, please call me I would like to try that, too

Anything to say to the blade community?
Enjoy what we do, blade or die

Thanks! Keep making cool stuff. 

[The END]

Check out Sven’s new edit:

Discussion / Sven Bursic: Longest Line of 2020

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