ONE Staff / April 21st, 2011 / Spotlight
SPOTLIGHT: Amir Amadi talks Strange Creatures

Okay Amir, let’s get down to it—when did you first start blading, and who’s responsible?

I think I started in 2000. I had known the Brierleys and they had just gotten Carl into blading. I was interested so they gave me a copy of “Coup De Tat” and Rollerblade Swindlers with duck tape for buckles, and now I’m here.

Who all is officially a part of the Strange gang?

Well, I guess if it’s official it would be: Adam Brierley, Keith Brierley, Dean Coward, Matt Langel, Matt Luda, Dylan Davis, Alex Broskow, and Brandon Smith… few more to be added.

What’s the ethos of the Strange crew when you guys get together to kick it, or blade?

We always have fun. Kicking it or blading. I think that’s what we all want. Sometimes there’s “business,” but usually the day just plays out, shit gets done, then we just go have fun doing something else.

Tell us an embarrassing story you’ve never shared — either about yourself, of one of your friends.

Strange Creatures started as a joke.

When you set out to make “Strange Creatures,” did you know how the final production would be all along, or did it coalesce as the project went along?

Not really. I had somewhat of a general idea, but it just sort of all came together.

What were you influences for the video?

I was influenced by a lot of things. Old movies, cool music, time periods, all the dudes and obviously old blade flicks. The video was basically just a mash up of everything I think is cool.

Favorite blade video of all time/most important aspect of a blade flick?

Carl and Negrete have always been my favorites… I don’t think I could choose just one. When I watch a blade video I want to see the people in it being themselves, not just trick after trick.

What do you do during the day for moneyz?

I worked at my dad’s shop for over a year fixing cars and all that jazz, but now I work in the receiving department at Lowes.

What’s next for STRANGE CREATURES, a sequel?

A lot more clothes, we’re all stoked on the clothes right now. We started the second video. We’ve been getting clips out here, but there is an AZ trip at the end of this month to really kick things off.

Well, we look forward to seeing the next installment. Good luck!

Thanks, guys.

Interview by JE

Photos by B Smith

Discussion / SPOTLIGHT: Amir Amadi talks Strange Creatures

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  • italian stalian - April 28th, 2011

    amir amadi is puerto rican

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