Alan Hughes / June 23rd, 2019 / The Wire
A-Town Stomp 2019 by ButterTV

“Atlanta, Georgia – March 16th, 2019. Although a little earlier than last year’s Stomp which brought a slight chill into the air, the Starnes brothers put together another awesome event—number 10 to be exact. This year we stayed out of the streets jumping from one spot to the next and kept all the entertainment ins one location: Arches Brewery. They kicked things off with a warm up on the truck (we’ll get back to that in a sec) while others tried their skates at the race event. Tom Hyser was nice enough to supply everyone with a pair of big wheels from the Rollerblade truck. Next event was a crazy p-rail contest that kept shifting from bump offs to rails to guard rails to… yea it wasn’t your average p-rails. Next was a high grind contest followed by the main event: an F150 that could have been a set piece on Mad Max. It was exciting to see people simply grind it but like any contest, simple isn’t gonna win anyone money and so it got crazy. The after party was back at the Starnes house where winners were announced and there were plenty of food and drink going around for all the guests. It’s always an absolute blast down in the ATL. Cheers to another great year!”

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