” ‘After almost a year of searching for that right pair of skates, I finally decided to go back to the original skate company I started out with in the beginning. USD has always made quality gear and has always responded well with opinions/suggestions from bladers around the world to keep pushing for a better skate. I feel like I’m home in the carbons and rolling on these skates have given me a certain freedom that I didn’t have in any other blade.” I may not ride for USD, but they can definitely expect me to represent them to the fullest of my ability.’ JMH
“Unexpected is not a word that most people from NC would first think of when Jason Hampden comes to mind. Everyone who knows JHamp knows he can blade and film, and both do them extremely well. But Jason is constantly bettering himself. Every single time we go out he impresses me with an angle he’ll film of a trick. Every single time he puts out an edit the clips in it are better than the ones he has laced in the past. What you can expect though, is to see way more quality from Jason in 2012 and beyond.” Stefan Brandow
Filmed by : Joe Matty, Stefan Brandow, Mikey Petrack, Jon Cooley & Hunter Kale.
Logo Designs : Stefan Brandow
Song – Surreal & The Sound Providers – The Rundown.
Major Thank You & respect to usd-skate.com/ for making quality skates.”
This turned out really amazing Jay. Believe in NC. Believe in ONE. Holler.
been blading with the man for over a decade and damn he has progressed, dude was like my first motivator to blade and has always slain shit!!!! good shit jay
Good to see both you dudes in Detroit.
believe in jason!
JHamp holding it down for the OG crew. Bladegame and Filmgame on a steady progression…