“A short-film by Kaspars Alksnis, presented by Hedonskate, starring Nils Jansons & Worapoj Boonnim. Filmed in Thailand, 2018.”
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Watch DOCUMENTARY https://bit.ly/2Jxd1QV
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“Proudly present you first of three documentary parts from “Mind Your Step”. These parts will be released for free to promote whole project with action part in it which is available on our website. Every 10% of the proceeds from digital downloads will go to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to contribute to their global action.”
“Second part of documentary from “Mind Your Step” project is here for you. These parts will be released for free to promote whole project with action part in it which is available on our website. Every 10% of the proceeds from digital downloads will go to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to contribute to their global action.”
“Last part of documentary from Mind Your Step journey. These parts will be released for free to promote whole project with action part in it which is available on our website. Every 10% of the proceeds from digital downloads will go to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to contribute to their global action.”