Sure, the big news this week was Joe Navran announcing the end of Franco Shade, which pretty much no one saw coming. But our favorite online troll, Krans, is here to add some perspective to that news, as well as sprinkling in some other bits about Der Führer and the X-Games, K2’s “new” boot, Jeff Dalnas’ b-ball prowess, and plenty more. Link, links and links — there’s plenty to keep you amused and informed in this week’s WEB ROLL. — ONE
Franco Fades
If you’re like me, you’ve got some Franco Shade gear that’s fallen to the likes of owning an old Mindgame beanie or a Runners Project backpack — they’re collectors’ items. This week, Franco Shade announced they’ve hit the end of their stride.
While it’s a huge debate that Franco Shade was even a rollerblading-centered company, it was yet another company that suffered huge losses at the departure of rollerblading godfather Arlo Eisenberg.
Arlo left Senate in 2000. And where are they now? A company that survives like the way a gazelle does in the mouth of a lion — barely and at the horror of those looking on.
Arlo and Franco Shade parted ways earlier this year, sparking GOST and infiltrating not only the chests of bladers at skateparks but the hearts and minds of select MLB players.
Since the big pants, big belt buckle and tight shirt days of rollerblading’s inception, Arlo gave our sport attitude, style and a middle finger to anyone who didn’t play along. God bless the Texas native for everything he’s done and the way rollerblading has rewarded him is by following his exploits.
Was People Magazine right when they declared him among the top 100 people to watch in the next century? Fuck yes. Bladers still watch and follow him.
It’s nearly certain that when Arlo leaves your building the next door you’re going through is this one:
However, the X-Games did not suffer such effects.
Hitler Rollerblades?
If you didn’t get enough of Hitler from Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds, then might I suggest Simon Mulvaney’s take on der Führer’s reaction to bladers being boosted from the X-Games and why his mom told him to buy Salomons.
The same video has been used for nearly every other conceivable topic, but drew a dire eye from some discerning Rollernews comments that don’t quite think Hitler humor is funny.
I thought it was hilarious. Judge for yourself.
Maybe that was the real reason Hitler killed himself. Either way, we’re all glad he did. Enjoy your pineapples.
K2 is still making blades, this time making changes to their replaceable soul plates, which was needed because they hadn’t changed them since the inception of the Fatty.
Roller Warehouse had the info, showing the changes to the Varsity skate. The first thing that popped out to me was the terrycloth touches.
For some, it might bring back memories of high school days when letterman jacket-wearing jocks were kicking the crap out of the fag fruit booters. Now that those jocks are probably fat pieces of shit still living with their parents, strap on the Varsity skates and find Jocko, kick a wheeled boot up his ass and complete the circle of life.
You can do all this for the low, low price of $189.
James Short
Sunday, Ohio blader James Short died following brain injuries he sustained in a motorcycle accident. From message boards to blading sites, friends recalled James’ life, skating and personality.
The Austin, Texas, blading crew held their regular Monday night session and dedicated it to James. Check the intro for some words of wisdom from Shannon Rodgers.
Ubiquitous Item of the Week
The Montreal Classic. The edits were everywhere. Like here, here, here, here, and here. Then again, if you want full coverage of Canadian rolling events, check in with Shop Task.
It’s only a little (grande sarcasm noted) deal because it’s the second-to-last stop in the World Rolling Series’ inaugural year. Before the Last Man Standing, Brian Aragon led with a sliver over Classic champ Julien Cudot.
The finals next month will be epic.
Comment(s) of the Week
If you’re ever arguing against evolution, the evidence is in rollerblading message boards. This week’s gem of tainted gene pool goodness comes from Amall:
Pardon me for a second… bwahahaha! (Cough) Okay, I had to get that out of the way.
Oh, the notorious LUD, where to begin? Wait, nope, Kasp has you beat.
What? “…a bunch of BB guns GTA style…” Yeah, nothing says sheer hardcore violence like BB guns. Fuck, if I were you, I’d buy a real gun and point it at my temple because I’d just realize that yes, this is my life.
No online bitch-fest would be complete with mentioning pedophiles and Camaros.
But there’s a lesson in all of this. If you’re going to be one of those idiots jamming a fake gun down your pants faking gangster, remember that the other dude’s gun probably isn’t fake, as illustrated here:
Playing with (Your) Balls
Jeff Dalnas and friends have been taking their skills off their blades and equating them to some trick shots, banking their shit off their house, some telephone poles. I’d really like to have seen them get a trick shot off the baby in the carriage. That’s skill because infants tend to be squishy and don’t respond well to bank shots.
good web roll
Hillarious! Good job Krans! Krans is the man! Franco Shade dead? This is the first I’ve heard of this news, how sad. Keep up the good work!
RIP James Short
Im not sure about that Hitler, K2 SICK!