ONE Staff / November 6th, 2009 / Uncategorized
WEB ROLL #22: Hangovers ‘n Homemade Parks

Okay, so the zombie hoax thing must have blown over since Krans is back in the saddle, again, (with respects, Steve Tyler) delivering a dose of WEB ROLL. This week brings lots of video and more than a little praise for Footage Tape. There’s also something about liners with teeth, shredding in houses, and some event that went down in Vegas(?). Guess you’ll just have to read it. — ONE

If there’s only one thing you watch this week

Europeans are all about the contests. However, the Home Contest was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in blading.

As explained on Frenchy Fries, Orphée Bristow celebrated 25 years on the planet on Sept. 27 (which is a damn good day to have a birthday, even if we have to share it with emo princess Avril Lavigne and assclown Lil’ Wayne).

No good birthday is complete without a homemade skate park consisting of a quarter pipe, a narrow hallway, some boards, a couch with coping, an even narrower window and a drop out said window onto some sketchy pavement where your friends have relocated the living room.

That’s all some epic shit.

Peep it:

The ‘Late Show’ of Blading

Speaking of homemade skate parks, the one in Atlanta used for the Boots, Burgers and Hammers comp was pretty fucking sick.

Besides footage of the comp, the first installment of Footage Tape has blading from a lot of familiar names up and down the East Coast. But, there’s so much more.

There’s witty and hilarious commentary, great editing, good music, killer and creative skating, great spots, cute girls blading in underwear, and even some bonus footage released this week.

If any of the further installments of Footage Tape are nearly as great as the first, skating has a new regular series really worth checking out. All we need is a host or two getting intertwined in a sex scandal, caught with some blow or stabbing a hooker and we’ve got some mainstream TV right there.

Seriously, you gotta watch this shit.

Ubiquitous Item of the Week


The Prince was crowned king, Superman took second and Sizemore clinched third in overall standing. A small, very cool thing the World Rolling Series did was put up an explanation of why things ended the way they did for the three of us that weren’t at Anthem Skate Park for the final show.

So hopefully, after a week, everyone’s hangovers have subsided, caught some missed flights, had a few ill-thought quickie marriages annulled, and managed to make it back to work to start paying off all that lost money.

Adam Johnson of Vibralux and Street Artist (otherwise known as @straightjackit on Twitter) had some of the most entertaining observances from the trip.

Comment of the Week

If someone could count the number of threads dedicated to questions about the Trust Liners, that’d be cool because it seems like that’s the cool thing to do. Explaining to people that, yes, maybe liners might need some break-in time is a daunting task.

However, JH408 — better known as Justin Hertel, owner of Amall and Trust Manufacturing — puts it in terms we little Internet-roving bladertards can understand.

So, the more I skate them, the less teeth I’ll feel?

I don’t understand the difficulty or mysticism about those liners. I love them and never once had any questions how to use them. Put them on your feet and skate. They even come with instructions, which proves even further how critical thinking skills need to be improved in schools.

Oh, and Trust announced this week more goods coming soon, including a pro hat for Erik Bailey.

Here’s what I want to know: who is going to get rollerblading’s first pro sock? I vote Stockwell.

“I went to brush something off my cheek and it was the floor…”

Since this week was filled with Vegas and Halloween parties, we’ll end this dribble on a parting note of HUGE-wheeled Rollerblades, greasy food and everything else that symbolizes blading hungover to the point of delirium from our good friends at Shop-Task.

Brian Krans

Discussion / WEB ROLL #22: Hangovers ‘n Homemade Parks

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  • Frenchy White - November 7th, 2009

    Thank for the shout out Krans !

    I’d also like to add that Frenchy Fries supports huge breakfasts and hangover blading on big wheels.

  • James Q - November 7th, 2009

    Nice, didn’t know you could grind on those big wheels.

  • brian - November 8th, 2009

    what song was that in the hangover edit? I really liked that quality too

  • Matt Vigneux - November 9th, 2009

    James Q- you should see this man shred a grind box, ao fish, ao topacid, he can do all the tricks I should be able to do in normal skates with his huge wheels and 3 cm soul plates.

  • AP_MUH_FUK_AZ - November 11th, 2009

    I gotta hand it you Krans, you the man, keep up the good work, n flip a switch on these industry heads with little to no respect for a living legend SUCH AS YOURSELF, you rule like O Doyle n fam before their discarded banan overtakes their cross-country style mini-van. Krans keep up the rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrep!

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