Six months of doing this and I think I’ve earned a little space to rant more than usual, so I use it for revolving door-bitching topics. So, I’ll be the guy on the right and let you readers be the guy on the left…
Be Free, but just like me…
Brian Freeman — or “B Free” to you hip kids — got his Valo Texas edit up on Rollernews. I liked it. Good switch-ups, hilarious shit inside his house, etc.
Maybe even the best part was his friends’ in the background and their reaction to some of Brian’s tricks.
I thought it was rather enjoyable edit, but I’m often very, very wrong.
A scholar of linguistics took opposition to something in the film and took a break from his hectic schedule to secure the No. 3 spot on the comments. These were his titillating and thought-provoking words about Mr. Freeman’s wardrobe, the musical selection, and possibly his own view of Dallas’ lack of racial diversity:
Ah yes, “Fake ass edit is fake” and “Get The Fuck Out and do all the rest of us a favor.”
Such depth, such la mode. But, I think Mr. Yo reached his thesis at the beginning when he wrote, “…faggot tights wearing wana-be rolers.”
He shares the same reading comprehension as his parents — who couldn’t read the instructions on the box of condoms all those years ago.
Then again, I thought rollerblading WASN’T some fraternity where we all have to pass some tests with homo overtones only to be exactly like everyone else. I didn’t know there was a uniform.
I thought blading was a personal thing, something you do because it feels good when you do it the way you want, not in fear of what others thought.
I thought the best part of skating was that it attracts all types: pretty boys, thugs, rockers, hip hoppers, emos, Goths, etc. Some choose to get drunk and some don’t. Some are working to be doctors; some will live with their parents until they die.
I thought diversity of lifestyles, background and opinions in blading was what made it great. We’re all entirely different people, unified by molded plastic, some metal, fabric and urethane, but I guess that’s not enough.
But fuck it, let’s all be the same.
We’ll set the only language for blading in English because Rollerblade is an American company (Soichiro, I hope you’re reading this), make the guys over at Frenchy Fries change their name to Freedom Fries, and make watching or participating in any sport other than blading be punishable by rape with a broken beer bottle.
Fascism is fun, isn’t it?
(Really though, I kind of like fucktards like “Yo.” They make this weekly batch of bullshit so much easier to write because he and others are just working out their frustration that 10-year-old skateboarders make fun of them. That, and I get to use the word “fucktard.” A LOT!)
Blading in mainstream media… wait… shit!
I don’t think when Joshua Shelton, a video game blogger in Wilmington, N.C., wrote a column about Tony Hawk killing rollerblading via video game sales that he expected he’d have one comment, let alone about a dozen, calling him a douche.
Then again, he claims he was sarcastic with statements like the “mockery that the Tony Hawk (video game) series made of skateboarding.”
Fair enough, but the last couple words didn’t seem so sarcastic:
“By comparison, Aggressive Inline faded away like beaten dogs into the night. There are no more liu kang spins, no more 540 kung laos, farvenugen grinds or toe-to-toe skating-those days are over- no more.
To see someone on Rollerblades these days only elicits a sigh and a shake of the head ‘poor idiot.’
Tony Hawk killed Rollerblading and that is all there really is to tell. Play It Again Sports has a wall full of forgotten inline skates-and the world will never miss them.”
Oooooooh, ouch. Funny, but ouch.
I laughed at it (the dude did do his homework on terminology), but like all good bladers do, they defended their loved wheeled booties, including a link to some “Killerboots” hotness.
Still, it all puts me at unease. People who hate on rollerblading — I mean really hate, not just because it’s the cool/easy thing to do — can never change their minds. They’re like Scientologists that way.
But really, when are we going to stop chasing our tails, calling out everyone against us like little bitches with skinned knees?
Blading is what it is, and whining about it incessantly won’t make it better. It will only make the sport worse. (Yes, I see a bit of irony whining about people who whine about people who whine).
At what price do we put on being “cool again?” It’s not like if blading gets popular that we’ll all cash in on some huge payday just because we’ve bladed since Dirks were at skate shops. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
Yes, I want the numbers to rise so those who have put in their work can see a decent paycheck for it. Yes, I want our pros to be able to travel the world. Yes, I want more blading videos out there. Yes, yes and yes.
But still, there’ll be a price to pay.
The small numbers we have makes us even stronger. We’re more tightly focused and accepting of one another (usually). The fact we’re all involved in something larger society has dubbed “uncool” should make our love for blading even stronger.
We’re like the kid at school who gets picked on but doesn’t change the way he is. That kid rules.
It’s been a long damn time since a blader has snubbed me at a park and if the numbers rise again, there’ll be tons of people blading because it’s cool — like skateboarding does now.
You could see a guy on blades and you go to talk to him, he’ll call you a fag for coming up to him. Then what? Blader-on-blader crime. We’ll fight amongst ourselves because — if the Internet is any indicator — we fucking love fighting with each other!
But, thanks to Mr. Shelton’s slow news week to bring up rollerblading, it gives rise to our…
Comment of the Week
Now THAT’S how you fucking respond to some hate! Kudos to you good sir! An implied “fuck you,” some wit and some free advertising.
Damn, I need to order from Intuition — in lovely Bakersfield, CALIFORNIA (See, I can learn) — soon.
Ubiquitous Item of the Week
Swine Flu.
Fuck. I bet even he hates on bladers. — Brian Krans
Amazing read, when you see skateboarders at skate parks theres like 95% of them there, but none of them are talking to each other or clapping when another person makes his trick they seem to be doing the same thing but so far from each other, my fear is if skating gets big the skate parks will be more rollerbladers but there wont be no unity and family like it is now,
I was in a skate park in florida {mesh} and a skateboarder came up to me and said that i suck because i rollerblade, I relize that in nyc that would be fighting words but in the middle of nowhere with no other rollerbladers around i relize that the problem is ignorance, he does what everyone else is doing and says what everyone else is doing when i asked him to give me a reason he said because it just does, i told him that he was the biggest herb i ever seen say some shit in my face and that i would give him a pass ongettin punched in the face, he then stood quiet and had the nerve to suck at skateboarding all night, i understand if he could skate but he lacked the skill to even have a case against my beloved sport, Majority of the skateboarders i know im cool with because there people and thats all that matters , sorry to babble but the web roll had me thinkin an i had to get that off my chest
god i live in wilmington and i was the one posing it on bemag.
fuck i hate this town
Nice one – I especially like Matt Mickey getting in the mix – now that is passion, oh and you get free stickers from Intuition as well . lol! Love ya Matt.
Just wanted to say, “Rolling the game” which I helped with so many years ago, along with Jon Julio, and Jenna, and Richard Taylor, and so many more…was a pretty good game and actually still is…I still have a copy that I play…and I still enjoy it. One thing that Pinhead is forgetting is that if “Rage Software” (who were actually abunch of really cool guys there in Liverpool) had not gone under, there would probably been other yearly versions of Rolling, which would have gotten better over time as well…although if you ever played Rolling – it really was sick! The point here is they got Neversoft and an unlimited budget, we got a motivated Rage that unfortunately went under as the game was just realeased….
Cool side note – On tour in Europe with Shima, DL, Petty, Julio, Champ and Gillan…we got our hands on a very first demo version of Tony Hawk and played it on my playstation for hours at my house – back then, we would pass the controller around and compete for points and shit…that was some good times! I clearly remember Dl being the best at the game at that time…pretty cool memory.
Glad you had some space to rant more than usual. It makes up for a better read !
French Fries will remain French. Although these are actually from Belgium.
Well–this article has gotten away from me…
The death of rollerblading thanks to Hawk was not an Accomplishment.
It’s a tragedy.
And I rollerblade. I didn’t ‘do my homework’ because I am a rollerblader.
K2 Backyard Bobs.
If you’re not rollin because you love it then you’re wasting your time. If you’re worried about makin money skating then pick up a skateboard. When it’s time for rollerblading to blow up again it’ll happen. And believe me it’s going to happen.
As long as there something we can strap to our feet that rolls us around there will be rollerbladers.
Ok I’m done.
i got some bullshit that i heard about… this gay show on disney about skate boarders called zeik and luther had a showdown against aggressive skaters and they portrayed aggressive skaters as stuck up and snooby and shit… what the fuck!
glad i read that
My brother is a skateboarder and i rollerblade. It gets very annoying cause he always shits on me. So one day he was dissing me when i was practicing i told him that it was sad that he doesn’t even know why he hates he just said cause we’re stupid but that’s not much of an answer. i use to skateboard and i went to a skatepark i talked to a rollerblader and we skated together. Another i came i saw some skaterboarder telling some rollerblader to leave he refused and instead of exchanging words they began to exchange blows. I would call this a pandemic, its minor discrimanation(if i spelled that right) its very irratating and pointless. If they dont like us then they should ignore us as we do to them.
Re: Alec
I saw the commercial for it i was crude. It was a bunch of homosexuals on rollerskates not blades but rollerskates they werent inline. It angers me that the media in protrying us that way.(im not a great speller).
Since 1998 the 4 things that have most progressed skateboarding are… Tony Hawks computergame, Jackass (tv show), Avril Lavignes ‘skater boy’ and the Dogtown and ZBoys documentary….. No actual skating has occured in the last 10 years that has advanced their shit. I am proud as shit that we are not like that… I love the fact that if you type in Ryan Shekler in youtube you get endless clips of him being interviewed by Airhead bitches about what colour his ferrari is, how much ‘ice’ he is wearing today etc…. I double love the fact that no rollerbladers are getting bloodsucked by MTV at the moment. I had a debate with a ‘hardcore’ skateboard friend of mine about the usual and when I told him how much our top pro’s get paid and the fact that most of them have to hold down jobs as well as a skating career he went bright red with jealosey. (he is 31 years old and super-proud that skateboarding is supposedly underground) Don’t get me wrong.. I think haffey, broskow etc deserve more cash but as far as underground kudos is concerned, skateboarding is nothing. we are them from the early 90’s when it was underground, they are the surfers that shot-down young skateboarders in the 70’s. Fuck them and their foot-juggling nonsense.