Mike Gagliardi / April 17th, 2012 / Blogs
Bobby V. Bank

I thought I was going to be able to take a nap tonight, instead, Travis and Jimmy conned me into going out to shoot some pics at Bobby V. Bank, a local bank spot in Bedford Heights. We have been going to this spot for a long time and rumor has it some guy named Bobby V. owns the property, so he gets his credit where deserved I guess. The sun was just setting as we pulled into the lot so we had to act fast, only skated for about 25 minutes. I’m more of a videographer than a photographer, but I like to try. Here are my two best shots from the sesh.

Jimmy Spetz, Switch Liu Kang 360 over Hip

Travis Rhodes, That Grab 360 over Hip

Discussion / Bobby V. Bank

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  • Tjones - April 17th, 2012

    My homies killing it cle cle cle

  • mawk - April 17th, 2012

    Spetz, Rhodes, and Gags are never not working.

  • Alan Hughes - April 17th, 2012

    What country is Bedford Heights in?

  • JE - April 17th, 2012

    Did you mean “county”? Because Bedford, like Cleveland, is in Uh-merika.

  • Alan Hughes - April 18th, 2012

    Naw, I meant country. Not everybody knows Mike is from the CLE OH US.

  • Jacalyn - February 10th, 2016

    There’s a secret about your post. ICTKTTIHBYY

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