ONE Staff / March 13th, 2012 / Spotlight
Talking Pariah with Adam Johnson

Okay AJ, time for a little check in on you and “Pariah.” What’s your total count up to now; how many “Adam Johnson Digiflicks” have you made?
Somewhere around 17 that were released, three online videos, and a partridge in a pear tree.

17! Jesus fuck — what all were they? 
“Promised Land”
“Victims of Obsession”
“Friends Don’t Let Friends Do Sidewalks”
“Pandora’s Box”
“Never The Same”
“KFC Untitled”
“KFC 2: Collective Unconsciousness”
“KFC 3: Straightjackit”
“Hustling for Pennies”
“KFC 4: Generic Tour Video”
“KFC 5: Members Only, Zombie Comatose”
“On Top”
“Clever Online Video Name” and some other online stuff
“Lake Owen Video”

How many miles did you drive to make “Pariah”?
I would put it at around 35,000 miles.

How close did you come to NOT having copies for sale at BCSD?
Three hours from not having copies. $1,000 “suck it up and eat it” rush charge.

Damn. How many hours did it take you and BFree to make the mad, cross-country dash?
 I drove from noon Pacific Time until 10am the next day, Mountain Time. Then Bfree drove for three hours and I finished it off to show up at 7:15am the day of the tradeshow. 42 hours, no stopping except for gas!

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Discussion / Talking Pariah with Adam Johnson

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