ONE Staff / April 12th, 2017 / Events
San Diego Classic Street Contest

On Sunday, April 9th, Russell Day brought street comps back to San Diego. With mostly grassroots support and local enthusiasm, bladers from throughout SoCal and as far away as Colorado came together for a day of trespassing, property damage and pushing boundaries on blades. While Chad Tannehill took first place with a full session of break-neck blade stunts, street skating was the real winner as good vibes and big tricks filled a sunny day with exciting blading to document. While we filmed for the edit you see above, Sean Macgowan shot the comp from start to finish, while Steve Steinmetz skated most of the comp and only started shooting after tapping out at Spot 3. Finally we have a few select images from Mrs. ONE herself, Jenn Eisinger, who turned her blade-trained eye towards snapping off a few rounds through her Canon when the moment was right. So here you go — a look at all the kick-ass blading that went down on one Sunday in San Diego. Next time, be here.

* * * *

Photos by Sean Macgowan

Mickey / Spot 1 (SM)

The Rules / Spot 1 (SM)

Winston / Spot 1 (SM)

Luna / Spot 2 (SM)

Hayden / Spot 2 (SM)

Sosa / Spot 2 (SM)

Luna / Spot 2 (SM)

Crowd / Spot 2 (SM)

The Heat / Spot 2 (SM)

Franken / Spot 2b (SM)

Neou / Spot 2b (SM)

Tannehill / Spot 2 (SM)

Tannehill / Spot 3 (SM)

Neou / Spot 3 (SM)

Tannehill / Spot 3 (SM)

Franken / Spot 3 (SM)

Luna / Spot 3 (SM)

Tannehill / Spot 3 (SM)

Prado / Spot 3 (SM)

The end (SM)

Photos by Steve Steinmetz

Jose / Spot 3 (SS)

Tannehill / Spot 3 (SS)

Mickey / Spot 3 (SS)

Results (SS)

Product Toss (SS)

Photos by Jenn Eisinger

Tannehill / Spot 3 (JE)

Hayden / Spot 3 (JE)

Luna / Spot 3 (JE)

And that’s what we got! Have a favorite pic? Tell us in the comments!

Discussion / San Diego Classic Street Contest

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