Has music ever made you feel better? Or maybe worse?
Are you aware of rhythmic oscillations in your surroundings or consciousness?
Is there music INSIDE YOUR BODY that desperately wants to escape?
If the answers to these questions are yes, then you should listen to and read up on just what Mickey Hart is doing with his latest album Superorganism.
For the uninitiated, Hart is one half of the Rhythm Dogs — former percussive backbone to the one and only Grateful Dead. He held that position for about 25 years so be sure this man has seen, experienced, and forgotten more in this life than most of us will ever imagine.
But now perhaps Hart is out on his most consciousness-expanding path to date — making music with the biological sounds of his own body.
Teaming up with leading neuroscientists and data visualization people from Penn State, the Gladstone Institutes, and USSF, Hart’s new music collects data from his body and with the help of computers and state-of-the-art tech, turns that info into music. That he plays on stage while wearing an EEG cap.
Far out, man. Far out.
But beyond the sheer freakiness of turning the insides of your body into an instrument (I know, I know… vocalists and beat boxers and whatnot), there’s more — noise could save your life.
Or at least that’s one of the theories floating around the creators of Superorganism.
Filled with world-beats and the swelling rise of good vibrations, Superorganism aims to harness those real, actual good vibrations and put them to use restoring the natural rhythms of your own body.
Does it work? Hart and Co. aim to prove it, and maybe we’ll find out when we check out the set Monday, September 9th at the House of Blues San Diego. Find out for yourself when the tour hits your town.