How do you plan, prepare, and execute your projects? Describe your #teamnosleep approach to making videos.
I start from the moment I turn the camera on. I always have an idea to how I’m going to put it together before I even hit the record button. I don’t like to receive footage from anyone other than Rachard and a few other people. Music is a major part of it, I learned that from Lonnie Gallegos. If you have the right track for the right skater your edit/section will have a stronger impact and be that much better. As for the #teamnosleep thing that I’m on, I work better in the late hours. When everyone is asleep and it’s nice and quiet, that’s when I can fully zone out and really focus on what I’m doing. But then I have to go skate/film the next day, and that’s been an everyday thing for a while now. I guess I feel like rollerblading isn’t where it should be so nobody should stop working until we get to where we want to be (On Top like Vibralux, bitch).
Back to your relationship with Razors. After being fired from Razors last year, how has your communication and involvement with the company changed? What is your relationship with them like now?
The game is crazy, man. I got kicked off the team for supposably leaking Julian’s GC section and got back on the team when they needed somebody to make the new video. I’ve always liked the skates — I feel like I can perform best in them — and the people on the team are some of my best friends. Geoff Acers was the reason I got on the team to begin with so me and him have always been cool. Brian spoke to Andy (Wegener) at a going away party we had at the Razor house and pretty much cleared the air on what had happened. I’m glad everything turned out the way it did. At the end of the day bills’ve got to get paid and being able to live off rollerblading and doing what we do is a blessing; you live and you learn.
On a more positive note, what are you looking forward to in relation to your project with Razors? Is there any footage or blader that has really surprised you? Is there anyone that’s surprised you with their clips, good or bad?
I’m hoping everyone likes the video as much as we like it. I’ve been video chat’n with the guys along the way so that they are happy with sections. All of the dudes have different styles so it’s a well-rounded video. Iain’s section is a problem and so is Alex Burston’s. Brian’s always raising the bar with every section he puts out, so I guess you can say this is his best section yet. I’m really excited to drop this shit!
When can we expect to see the final project? Any plans for a major premiere?
The video is pretty much done, I’m just finishing up the DVD cover design and a few other things. I’m not sure what the deal is with the premiere but I’m sure they’ll post it somewhere once they figure it out.
What does the future hold for you? Where do you see yourself in the next few months?
When you said the future I was thinking years from now, but in the next few months I will be out doing what I’m doing now (skating/filming for the the first full length BladerGang DVD).
Once again, it has been a pleasure getting to know more about you and your involvement with blading. Is there anyone you would like to shout out or thank? We greatly appreciate your time.
You guys over at ONE, of course, for always checking in with your boy. All of my sponsors and people who keep me rolling and lacing me up with fresh shit. The neighborhood clinic that has been providing me with great kush that kept me inspired to make this video, and most importantly my BladerGang family.
Interview by Bruce Bales
Portrait by Armando Colunga
Erod = Bright Future. Love that dude
no chaz section again, thats kinda strange,
Great interview. Much respect to E-Rod for maintaining that 24/7 work ethic.