Megan Petersen / May 2nd, 2012 / Spotlight
Rolling Love trip to San Diego

After the Southwest Photo Tour last month, I’ve been craving more adventure. I heard about Celerity Max’s video, Those Left, premiering at SDSF on April 28th and decided this would be a good reason to drive back down to San Diego.

Just the other week I was hired for a full-time photo position with a company in SF, starting May 1st, giving me this last week for one last road trip.

Here’s how it went down:

Wednesday — I started building the new Rolling Love website and then with way too much energy threw some stuff in the car and started driving. Seven hours and one massive lightning storm later, I arrived in L.A. where I stayed with fabulous filmer Daniel Scarano (big fan of your work, Daniel!).

Thursday — When the rain stopped I drove to San Diego where I occupied Captain Acers’ room while he was in the great NW on business.

Friday — Met up with Hayden Ball for a photo mission then went to a bonfire with The Radvocate’s Matt Lewis.

Saturday –- The best day. Skated Memorial skatepark for a few hours then went off with Oliver Prado, Hayden Ball and Louie Zamora. They were killing it. At 7pm it was time to wrap it up and go to SDSF for the premiere of Those Left. An awesome turn out and great video! I was having too much fun with a new friend in Ocean Beach when I realized it was 6:30 am; time to get a little sleep in before driving back to San Francisco.

Hayden, Louie and Oli doing deals.

Hayden Ball / Royale up to Fakie

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