ONE Staff / January 4th, 2013 / Spotlight
DK ranks the Best Edits of 2012

Here is a straightforward list of the top 10ish online edits from 2012. Excluded from the list are DVD releases that have made there way to the web (Pariah & Regardless) along with any #WRSUPLOADED submissions. Blading comes in many forms and there are even more ways to portray it in video form. Coincidentally, this list represents a very diverse selection of not only bladers but also editing, filming & music styles. Less is always more, so expect no more than a brief run down of each selection. — Daniel Kinney

11. Michael Garlinghouse Sixteen Dreams

I did say 10ish. Gnarls has been a rock-solid blader for years but this is by far one of his most exciting offerings to date. With this he begins to make the argument that he is much more than just a supporting cast member. He also proves a somewhat unfortunate fact about rollerblading — you look better doing it without a helmet.

10. Create Originals Gabriel Hyden International Team Introduction

This European blader is the very definition of style, power and simplicity. It seems that he has progressed little over the years but that really doesn’t matter much when your execution is timeless. The mistrial at 1:33 is textbook and could not be performed any better. Pause this randomly while watching and try to find Gabriel in an awkward or unflattering position.

9. Kevin Yee Shocking Rollerblading

This is an utter onslaught of creativity and innovation. With an edit like this, not every trick will be clean and polished. The footage that accompanies edits like this typically lack the same and this is no different. However, there is more creativity packed into these 4 minutes and 42 seconds than rollerblading has seen in the past several years.

8. Brian Aragon M. Silhan Skate Promo

This edit from the Prince easily wears the crown as hype edit of the year. Put the blading of one of the most popular bladers on the planet to a song that many were surely already bumping in their earbuds and success is practically automatic. Unfortunately, the overuse of a tripod and the lack of any zoom on many long lens angles does a serious disservice to some otherwise amazing tricks.

7. Jeph Howard Razors Pro & Jeff Dalnas 2012 Profile

There are no other rollerbladers that have been seemingly on the outside looking in for as long as Jeph Howard and Jeff Dalnas. Despite an endless stream of sections filled with stunts that would not even be considered by 99% of all people that have ever strapped on a pair of blades, 2012 is the year that both finally get the Pro status they deserve. What defines these two edits are is not any anger or defiance that would typically accompany receiving something that is so long overdue, but actually the opposite. Although undoubtedly appreciative, they seem to share an ambivalence about their newly acquired titles that suggests they’ll continue doing exactly what they have already been doing for years.

6. “Originals” Part 2: John Bolino

John Bolino and Jeph Howard were arguably the two most prolific bladers of 2012, both releasing several popular edits throughout the year. This was Bolino’s most recent offering and includes not only some of the biggest gaps of the year but also some of the most technical tricks to date. There is little John does that is not pushing him ever closer towards being considered one of the best of all time.

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Discussion / DK ranks the Best Edits of 2012

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  • Boris - January 7th, 2013

    Good job! Enjoyed! Posted on short news

  • Bruce J. Bales - January 7th, 2013

    Great article. I really enjoy reading DK’s observations. I would like to see more coverage of lesser known bladers though. There were a lot of great edits from 2012 that did not get as much attention as they should of just because they featured unknowns or new faces. I am not taking away anything from this article, but I’d like to see something similar focusing more on the edits that were missed by our community.

  • J-Luc - January 7th, 2013

    You forgot Ryan Sibbio …. 🙁 I mean: there’s no doubt that his edit is in the top 10 of the year. Come on DK!

  • Dave Tran - January 8th, 2013

    Amazing edits but uhh… no Fish Guys… really?

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