ONE Staff / September 7th, 2012 / Spotlight
The Sunday Session Experiment

Hayden Ball

Hayden, I think it was working with you on your Blade Life edit that really created the idea for the Sunday Sessions… so thanks!

What did you think when we started — ever imagine we’d go to twenty?
When we started no I didn’t think we would do twenty in a row! That’s the pull!

Even though you’re no stranger to the camera, was it different knowing that you’d see the footage so soon after it being filmed? If so, can you explain why?
Well yeah, it’s different because growing up before online edits you would have to wait to see any footage get out. Now people can film and get their skating out to the masses in a day. The Sunday Sessions were dope for that reason. It was like a weekly TV episode.

Throughout the sessions you shredded, which tricks of yours are you most stoked on?
Definitely most stoked on the fence acid drop.

Who else got you the most amped?
I was just amped to be out with all the homies and having you out there willing to film all day, every Sunday. It was cool skating with Louie quite a bit. He’s a big motivator. I grew up watching him in videos so it’s been cool to have him out killing it.

Best/Worts part of trying to film for an edit every week?
Best part of trying’ to do an edit every week was getting out and skating with a crew. Worst part was having life get in the way. I had school four days a week and work Wednesday through Saturday nights, so when Sunday would roll around I was beat!

Well thanks again for the inspiration and all the heavy pulling. You know that I know you’re the man.

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