Ryan Parker
Yo Ryan, it sucks for us that you moved back to Pittsburgh but I hope you’re feeling good. Drive back was a bitch?
Drive back was definitely a rough experience. My car broke down in Abilene, Kansas, on a Saturday night. I had to stay in a hotel that night and the next before I could get a mechanic to get me back on the road. Car was still having problems, so I had to stop in Kansas City to get more work done.
How would you characterize your time in SD?
San Diego was definitely a learning experience for me, and one of the craziest times of my life. It was full of good friends, awesome beer, interesting skate spots, and crazy partying every weekend. I wouldn’t trade the experiences I had for anything.
Can you compare the scene here to the scene back home?
I would honestly say that the scene is a lot more welcoming and developed than the Pittsburgh scene. I immediately felt like part of the crew once I got to San Diego. There are many good dudes in the area, you all know who you are. Of course, the exposure to all of the big names in the sport is an awesome experience, too. Where else do you get to have a handicap rail session with Brian Aragon? Not in Pittsburgh, that’s for sure. But I love being back with all of my closest homies here, shredding the home turf.
What spot will you miss the most?
Ciro’s Pizzeria, by far. It’s not even close.
Now that you’re a safe distance away… who do you think is king shred daddy in SD?
Russell Day.
During our Sessions you managed to get some nice clips. Any stand out to you?
The ao topsoul in “Caution”… In fact, I didn’t feel like skating for the following week because of the satisfaction of landing it.
Let’s end this on a fittingly “Parker” note; what sucks the most about California?
I loved California, it was personal circumstances that brought me home.
Thanks for all the blading and dedication man. Keep it Black & Yellow out there…