ONE Staff / September 7th, 2012 / Spotlight
The Sunday Session Experiment

Russell Day

You ever watched King of the Hill; know the episode where Bobby is “the stick” for the track team? Well that was you man, because everyone knew to get their clips in before you showed up or they’d get trumped!

So what’s the big news, Russ; can you share it yet?
If you don’t know by now, you’ll know soon enough. But I can’t give away a lot of details other than I’m collaborating with some awesome people and I’m very excited in seeing what comes of it.

You know what I re-realized during our Sessions? You’re stupid talented on the blades — what got you out there week in and week out getting clips?
Ha ha, thanks man, means a lot. Ummm, I go out and skate every weekend and have been working on a few projects, and was finally done filming for those. So it was a nice change of pace to have some constant footage out and push myself a lil’ more every week, but at the same time I tried to take it easy because I knew that next week we’d be at it again. So it was a bit of a challenge to hold back for the next week, ha ha.

What do you think was the stand out Session or the stand out trick(s)?
Oh wow. Favorite session? I dunno if I could really say. I mean some days the motivation to skate would be lacking but we would still be shootin’ the shit and handgun’ out, so every session was prime. But #10 was a really fun day, #7 with Andrew’s ao fish on the knobbed rail was pretty buck, and #17/15 are two of my faves to watch.

You’ve been blading in SD since long before I got to town in 2003. Has anything like Sunday Sessions happened before?
The closest thing to it has been Monday Night Skate at Esco park. We did a lot of those and filmed a majority of them. Besides that, it’s a really fresh idea that no one has accomplished properly until now. Cheers.

Well it was awesome of you to come out and rip for the camera. Thanks again, Russell. And have fun at your new place.
No sweat boss, it was my pleasure.

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Discussion / The Sunday Session Experiment

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